I've spent 5 months over the past year in Portugal exploring the nation's beautiful, complex, and amazingly-priced wines. During this time, I've met over a hundred wine producers, personally visited over 20 vineyards and attended 5 multi-day wine trade shows. My original objective was to create a new and authentic enotourism route specializing in picturesque small production, family-owned vineyards for the experiential travel company, Immersa Global.
However, as that project drew to an end, I realized that the valuable relationships that I've made this year combined with all the well-crafted wines that I've discovered created an opportunity for so much more.
Portugal is positioning herself to become a major wine exporter and global enotourism destination. I'm extremely excited (and grateful) to get here in time to be at the forefront of this movement!
I look forward to introducing you to the amazing local people and stories behind my favorite red blends, sparkling whites or aguardentes!
Saúde e até breve, Sheree M. Mitchell